Thursday, September 13, 2007

No daily painting today....

"I See You"
acrylics, 9" by 12"

...but finished another for the show I have coming up in November.

Although some of my friends insist on telling me chipmunks are just "rats with stripes", I never get tired of watching their antics. Whether they are climbing the sumac tree outside our kitchen window to gather seeds, or darting in the patio door to grab some of the spilled food around the parrot cage, they are always entertaining. This one posed for a bunch of photos when I was out early one morning while staying at friend's place this summer. It made a point of letting me know it knew exactly where I was, but seemed in no hurry to get further than a couple of arm's lengths away. We shared the pile of mossy rocks quite comfortably for half an hour or so.

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