The big surprise of the day was courtesy of our Mali Uromastyx lizard, Spike. We awoke to find his - ummm, make that her - cage covered in eggs. By the time she was done, she had produced 11 eggs! No wonder she was looking a little portly around the middle lately.....here she is looking very maternal, but honestly I think she was just using the egg as a handy pillow. This one was number 9, and I think by then she was getting more than a little tired of the process.
On the art front, I finished a couple more ACEO's and got a fair bit of work done on "Stones". Here's one of the ACEO's, this is ornamental corn. So much fun to work with all these bright colors, especially as "Stones" is going to be mostly greys with just hints of color showing through.

And here's the other ACEO - an acrylic of one of my cats from years ago, Penny. She looks a little tough on this picture, but it was all an act - she was as sweet as they come.

Unitl next time,
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