We love spring in this household. Like many people, we have our personal favorite signs that spring is close, or has arrived - the usual things, the first snowdrops poking their heads through the last of the winter snow, the first robin singing his heart out in the big oak tree, the first signs of green leaves appearing. But in this household, the definitive sign that spring has arrived and is here to stay, is the first snake. Almost without fail, it is found, caught, and displayed to anyone present by my younger son, Patrick. That would be this year's unfortunate victim at the top of the page.
Though actually, the snakes seem to be rather unworried about the experience, and protest very little. Whether this is because they are still a bit sluggish from winter, or whether Pat's gentle but no nonsense approach just leaves them with no time to think about getting nasty, they never seem to bite or even struggle a great deal. After the snake has been duly admired (or inspected with horrified fascination, depending on who is present at the time), it is gently released wherever it was found. Spring has officially arrived.
On the art front, I've been busy making lots of ACEOs, and playing with coloured pencils. A few of my favourites from the last few weeks:

The first two are colored pencil, the others are acrylics. I hope you like them!